Growing up an avid reader of National Geographic with a love of learning and a zeal for new life experiences, Zach Parker wanted to be a naturalist like Jacques Cousteau.
Driven by an innate curiosity, an interest in how things work and what makes people tick Zach is REALLY good at finding the best way to get things done. Although he has a high level of expertise in his core disciplines, Zach doesn’t consider himself a specialist. He admires the single mindedness and devotion of others to career and craft but he finds himself drawn to the next thing before too long, which is great because there is a ton of variety in the environmental consulting field.
Zach gets a lot of energy from the people he works with, both colleagues and clients alike. He enjoys training and mentoring staff and would never ask someone to do something he wouldn’t do himself.
Zach loves to cook, is active in his church, and enjoys gardening, fishing, and kayaking when able to make the time. Most of all he loves being a Dad. We appreciate and respect Zach for his bone dry sense of humor and tell-it-like-it-is way with words. He tells you what he thinks because he cares, plain and simple.
Understanding your business (what you do and how you do it), risk tolerance, and goals is what makes Zach tick. His mantras are simple:
” Take pride in my work.
Treat people with kindness and try not to take myself too seriously.
Value my clients trust.
Establish relationships.
Provide value through service.”