We’ve got your back – F&R’s virus related services
F&R’s team of industrial hygienists are ready and on-call to assist you with your COVID-19 concerns. We recognize the challenges you are facing…we are all navigating this uncharted territory together. This pandemic and the crazy changes it brings affects each of us as we worry about our family and friends, determine our daily needs and adjust to our new normal.
Currently throughout our mid-Atlantic footprint, all of F&R’s services are classified as essential and we take great measures to ensure social distancing and safe, hygienic and solitary work practices. As part of our COVID response, we offer the following core services under the direction of a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Safety Professional:
- Development of Remediation Protocols
- Cleanliness Sampling via Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) – On-Site Results
- Coronavirus Sampling via Laboratory Analysis
- Prevention and Response Training
- Contractor Oversight and Management
- Proper Use of PPE to Include Respiratory Protection
- Personnel Decontamination Planning
- Negative Pressure Testing

Assess. Manage. Consult.
F&R’s Environmental Services Division is comprised of an interdisciplinary team of engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, environmental scientists, hydrologists, and industrial hygienists working together to meet your challenges. We have conducted wetland investigations, developed site characterization plans, implemented restoration projects, and resolved remediation issues for thousands of clients. We assist clients in private and government sectors with management and mitigation of environmental risks and liabilities by identifying problems, evaluating the impacts, developing remediation strategies, and providing solutions.
The F&R Difference
Assess. F&R helps clients identify risk via assessment and inspection services in the project planning phase. Early identification prior to project initiation is vital to reduce costly delays later in the process. It also provides additional time to navigate challenging regulatory situations and make plans to address any potential risk issues related to reputation and public scrutiny. Assessment services an be performed on individual properties or linear impact corridors.
Manage. F&R works with Clients to quantify and cope with risks identified during the assessment phase of the project by developing plans to mitigate or manage environmental
challenges. Communication with clients, regulators, and stakeholders is the key to successfully developing a project-specific plan and also to ensuring that it is performed as designed. F&R’s management services include both operational and technical solutions.
Consult. Our consultation services are focused on helping clients avoid, mitigate, and adapt to the risks presented by their operations. Our focus is on understanding your operational needs, business culture, and resulting risk tolerance. We assemble project teams of subject matter experts including industrial hygienists, project managers, trainers, Certified Industrial Hygienists, Professional Geologists, Engineers and Wetlands Scientists to help navigate the challenging regulatory framework associated with new and unexpected environmental obstacles. Our long history of success is based on experienced professionals, established working relationships with regulatory agencies, and a culture that views our clients as partners whose
success is as important to us as our own.
Environmental Capabilities
- Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
- Asbestos, Lead & Mold Surveys
- Property Condition Surveys
- Cost to Cure Evaluations
- Hazardous Waste Characterization and Disposal Planning
- Stormwater Compliance Assessments and Monitoring
- Spill Prevention and Contamination Control Planning
- Wetland Delineations and Permitting
- Brownfields Eligibility Evaluations
- Industrial Hygiene
- Environmental Monitoring

NOW ENROLLING – Be Trained by Industrial Hygiene Professionals
Developed for contractors and renovation professionals, this 8 hour licensing class is required by the
EPA to protect children during renovating, repair, and painting activities that may disturb lead-based
paint. The fee includes all training materials, instruction and certificate/photo ID.
A 4 hour refresher course for Certified Lead Renovator certification renewal. The fee includes all
training materials, instruction and certificate/photo ID. Students must bring current certification to
For More Information on Lead RRP Training Get in Touch with Us!