We’ve worked under contract with the College of William & Mary for decades providing all of our core services. Of particular note is our extensive work at the Virginia Institute for Marine Science’s campuses along the eastern shore of Virginia. F&R provided construction materials testing as well as special inspections for the new Davis Hall Research Facility – a 32,000 square foot, 2-story, steel frame, masonry wall building designed for office space and laboratories. Our engineers and technicians provided inspections of soils and controlled fill, Observed proof rolling operations of the building, parking, and roadway subgrades prior to and following the placement of structural fill and/or base stone, evaluated foundation subgrades, and tested placement of cast-in-place structural concrete, masonry, structural steel and light gauge metal framing.
Prior to demolition and renovation of surrounding facilities, F&R’s hazardous materials professionals provided surveys for asbestos, lead based paint, and PCBs.